Brandi Reads

Aug. 22, 2024

There is nothing like feeling the summer sun on your face, a gentle breeze blowing through your hair, and the weight of an anticipated book in your hands, just waiting to be read! In a world with no responsibilities (read DISTANT FANTASY WORLD), that is where you would find me all summer long! In the REAL WORLD, however, you will find me bouncing around a lot of places. My name is Brandi, and I can be found in the program room at the library running some of the many amazing (if I do say so, myself) programs the library offers, as well as at the front desk helping our wonderful patrons. I also find time to read as often as possible and enjoy spending time gardening, though most of my time is spent battling the relentless weeds rather than actually enjoying our produce! When I venture away from home, my family and I like to go on adventures and make memories together, whether the adventure takes us just around Strathmore or further afield. One of the adventures that my kids enjoy in Strathmore is attending the library’s Summer Reading Program! The kids and I both love the friendships, crafts, activities, and reading opportunities that the Summer Reading Program provides, and I can’t complain about the cost!

Sometimes taking my kids to the Summer Reading Program brings me to work on days that I am not scheduled. For some people, showing up at work when you don’t HAVE to would be an inconvenience. For me, however, it is a pleasure! Being at the library doesn’t feel like work, especially during the summer with the Mother Goose in the Park and Ice Cream in the Park programs to facilitate. It is always fun to see families out and about in the community, to enjoy the nice weather, and to partner with other organizations in Strathmore to provide quality, age-appropriate, affordable entertainment! When I am not soaking up the sun with our outdoor programming, I love to help patrons find their next perfect read, solve library-related problems, and work with my amazing boss and coworkers! As much as I love the books and problem-solving, the PEOPLE are definitely what make this the best job in the world!

During my reading adventures, I typically don’t stick to one genre, but like to experiment and look for ‘hidden treasures’ within all genres. Some treasures that I have found lately include:

Brain Energy: A Revolutionary Breakthrough in Understanding Mental Health- and Improving Treatment for Anxiety, Depression, OCD, PTSD, and More by Christopher M. Palmer, MD

This book looks at the current methods our medical system uses to treat mental health, Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and obesity, and points out the discouraging statistics on how infrequently these treatments work for the long-term, if at all. Dr. Palmer proposes, based on research conducted by a variety of groups for a variety of purposes over many years, that he has found the basis for the above-mentioned mental and metabolic illnesses, which will then allow us to treat them more effectively. This book is heavy with scientific content, but Dr. Palmer does an excellent job of explaining the main concepts in simple, attainable language. It is well worth a read if you or anyone you love are affected by mental health struggles, obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, or Alzheimer’s disease.

Hurry Home by Roz Nay

Hurry Home is a suspenseful story about sisterhood, family trauma, and the ways that people’s choices affect those around them. Told from the alternating perspectives of sisters Ruth and Alex, readers are forced to decipher which sister is telling the truth, which is lying, or whether both are creating their own version of reality. This is an engaging read, without gore or excessive language. There is a scene of a child being removed from his home by child services that may be triggering for some.

Percy Jackson and the Olympians/Heroes of Olympus series’ by Rick Riordan

Percy Jackson and the Olympians is the first series that Riordan wrote that follows Percy Jackson into the world of Greek demigods (children with a human parent and a Greek god or goddess parent). Camp Half-Blood is introduced as a location that provides a safe haven for demigods and trains them to survive in a world where they are hunted by monsters and must complete death-defying quests for the gods to save the unsuspecting human world. Riordan creates a world so convincing that it is hard to believe he is not writing about true events, but rather weaving the intricate and elaborate tale completely from his own imagination. He is a SUPERB storyteller! This skill continues in his second series, Heroes of Olympus, where new characters, quests, and struggles are introduced with the same edge-of-your-seat anticipation, humour, wit, and non-stop adventure!

My Imaginary Mary by Cynthia Hand, Brodi Ashton, and Jodi Meadows

These authors are hilarious in an off-beat, unexpected, and delightful way. In each of the books in their Lady Janies series, these authors take nuggets of historical truth and turn them into a magnificent and fantastical roller coaster of a tale, all while breaking the fourth wall with ongoing commentary aimed directly at the reader. My Imaginary Mary creates a fictional friendship between Mary Shelley, the author of Frankenstein, and Ada Lovelace, the first computer programmer. Add a little faery magic, some “monsters,” a life and death situation or two, and you have this engaging, impossible-to-put-down read!

Love is My Favourite Thing by Emma Chichester Clark

A sweet picture book about unconditional love that is based on a dog’s experiences but could very easily be applied to children and even adults. Plum is Rupert and Emma’s dog. She loves to be called Plummie, chasing sticks, playing with the children who live next door, and so many other things; but her very favourite thing is love! When Plummie makes some pretty big mistakes, she wonders if Rupert and Emma will ever be able to love her again. A subtle look at the feelings associated with making mistakes, giving forgiveness and ‘trying again’, this touching book pulls all of your heartstrings and ends with a perfectly satisfying, “Awww!” moment.